Customer service 400-119-8909

Credibly Steady And Strived for Innovation

Jin Wang always adheres to the business principle of being credibly steady and innovative, as well as constantly perfecting quality of the products.

The recent appearance of the fake gold king saw blade, in order to avoid the cus


The recent appearance of the fake Jin Wang saw blade, in order to avoid the customers to buy fake! Please authenticate the following and teach you how to identify the true and false king saw blade!

Anti counterfeiting of hard aluminum alloy saw blade of Jin Wang

1, all the saw blades are packed with sawing box, which is uniformly designed by Jin Wang. If you receive any other package saw blades, please call the 020-85551666 at first.

2, Jin Wang saw packing boxes are all typesetting printing. They have the characteristics of typesetting, clear text and strong sense of stereopsis. No shadow is produced by photocopying, and image and text are not equal.

3, packaging material thick, each box is provided with a saw blade size of the clamping pad, the blade will not during transport collision damage.

4, the packing box is coated with plastic film on the surface, and the beautiful beauty can effectively eliminate the tide in the transport of the saw blade.

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